Global Axis are proud supporters of the charity organisation Foodbank SA, and align with their aim to fight hunger by sourcing food for people in need. We recently contributed to the cost of a new Foodbank branded delivery vehicle, that is vital for collecting and delivering essential items and food to those who need it most.
Foodbank’s work makes a positive difference in the lives of Australians, with recipients of food and grocery relief reporting they feel less hungry, are able to focus and concentrate, are less stressed and more hopeful.
Foodbank not only plays a lead role in fighting hunger, but also a vitally important role in tackling Australia’s $20 billion food waste problem and helping the environment. Their food and grocery rescue operations last year saved 92.7 million kilograms of CO2 emissions.
Foodbank couldn’t exist without their supporters, donors and volunteers. To find out more about how you can also be involved in Foodbank, whether by donating food, funds, or your time through volunteering, click here.

The Global Axis Team with Greg Pattinson, Foodbank’s CEO